If properly used, a credit card can do a lot for you. From allowing you to make cashless purchases to borrowing money from a financial institution–a credit card makes a lot of things easier for you.
But there’re some dos and donts that one must follow in order for a credit card to serve one the best possible way.
In this article, I’ll discuss how to use Target credit card in such a way as to avoid any situation that detracts from the benefits of the card. You’ll find some important practises that you should observe during Target credit card login and using.
But first, let’s do a quick recap of what we know about Target credit card.
What Is a Target Credit Card?
Target Corporation, which provides Target credit cards, is a retail chain of departmental stores and hypermarkets. This is the fourth largest retailer in the US and usually deals in upmarket goods and merchandise.
Presently the company offers two credit cards namely, Target Circle Card and Target Circle Mastercard. The first one can be used only at Target’s in-store or online facilities while the Mastercard is open-loop and can be used outside of Target facilities.
Target credit card login process is the same in both cases. Just use your username and password during the login process and you’re ready for business.
Benefits Of Target Credit Card Login
Ease Of Use
Getting and logging in to a Target credit card is easy. Just filling up an online form will get you a card and after the easy activation process, your username and password will complete the Target credit card login.
Once logged in, you’ll get several benefits like…
5% Flat Discount
Instead of offering bonus points and rewards like other credit cards, Target Circle Card offers a unique flat 5% discount on most purchases at checkout.
This feature saves time and hassles that redeeming bonus points and rewards would take.
Two-Day Free Shipping
Once you’re logged in to a Target Circle Card account, don’t forget you’re eligible for a two-day free shipping of innumerable items purchased from Target online stores.
The non-card holders have to abide by a 35-dollar minimum purchase rule to avail of this feature. So it is a useful feature of Target credit card login.
Extra 30 Days For Exchange Or Return
Barring a few items, Target Circle Card holders get another 30 days in addition to the stipulated 90 days for return or exchange. Non-cardholders don’t get this facility.
Use It Outside Of Target Too
Target Circle card Mastercard’s most useful feature is it is open-loop and can be used outside of Target for purchasing or borrowing. But, it has limited rewards and other extra benefits.
Issues With Target Credit Card Login
While Target credit card login will enable you to avail of some cute benefits, the login process itself can give you some sleepless nights too. It’s time we got down to this not-so-good downside of Target credit cards.
High Rate Of Interest
Credit cards are notorious for their high interest rates and Target credit card is no exception. Both Target Circle Card and Target Circle Card Mastercard have a variable APR of 29.95%. This high interest rate can make the 5% discount on purchases and other rewards meaningless.
Benefits Only On Frequent Purchase
Unless you use your Target credit card frequently, you may not get the full benefits, especially due to the high interest rates.
Also, if you maintain a balance, the interest rates may negate the benefits of Target credit card login.
Issues With The Login Process
The process of Target credit card login itself is not entirely hassle-free, but can be a nagging problem at times. Many account users reported different problems they faced while trying to log in to their Target credit cards.
Here I’ll discuss a few of them and what you should do if you face the same problems.
Can’t log into your Target credit card account
Many users complained in different forums that they couldn’t log into their Target credit card accounts. Despite repeated efforts to log in, they get some error messages.
If this happens to you, you should double-check your username and password to ensure you haven’t made any mistakes there. If the problem still persists, give it a break and try after some time. Many users have reported that they failed to log in the first time but succeeded when they tried after some time.
In case you still failed to complete your Target credit card login process, call Target’s customer support and inform them of the problem.
You Are Locked Out Of Your Target Card Account
This is another problem that vexes many legitimate Target credit card account holders. Usually it happens when the Target system locks you out if repeated login attempts fail.
In this case, you must contact the Target team as you will probably be required to reset your password.
Password Change Issue
Don’t get spooked if Target suddenly prohibits you from accessing your account and asks you to change your password. This happens all the time. It generally happens when Target’s technical team does a site or system refresh or make changes in them.
Just change your password and you should be fine. Even after changing your password you can’t complete your Target credit card login process, you should call their customer care number and hope for the best.
Browser Or App Issue
Sometimes you can’t log into your Target credit card account due to browser or app issues. In that case, clear your browser’s cache, update your browser or try a different browser. You should also check that your settings allow Target systems to operate properly.
Like most store credit cards, Target credit cards also have some pros and cons that account holders must be aware of. You must decide if the problems are worth tolerating as the benefits outweigh them.
It is true that Target credit cards have many useful benefits. At the same time, some serious drawbacks are also there.
High interest rate, failure to complete Target credit card login process etc definitely detracts from the joy of using the card.
Still, credit cards, including Target credit card, are here to stay for a while. A careful decision, made on the basis of utility, will help you to decide whether some stray issues are worth tolerating because you really want the benefits that a successful Target credit card login provides.